The Richardson's Adventures

Our holiday to Western Australia was initiated from the idea of taking our boys on a extended holiday prior to starting school. We have been camping in tent's, and more recently we had a camper trailer for 3 years. While the camper trailer served us well ( over 30 camping trips ), we have upgraded to our off road caravan. The caravan makes life easier for the overnight stay, quick pack up, and it also has air conditioning. Our holidays have been booked for 2 1/2 years and we have been planning in some sort of fashion since. We have upgraded the car to give hassle free motoring, not to mention the great V8 rumble.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Monkey Mia

Our view from the caravan over Shark bay
This is what we woke up to.  Just to the left of the photograph is our caravan.  That is how close we are to Shark bay, we are camping.

Monkey Mia
Another beautiful day in WA.  Today we spent the day in Monkey Mia to watch the dolphins. They limit how many people can feed the dolphins, and we did miss out, but the boys were just as excited to be so close to the dolphins.

  Jen and Zachary are eagerly watching the dolphins.

Jacob is SO EXCITED!!!

Tanya is one of the Monkey Mia Rangers, and she is surrounded by the dolphins.

Who's watching who?

Camels is the background
The boys were able to see the camels up close.  We are trying to get them use to the camels, showing them heaps of photos of people riding the camels.   So when we visit Broome we plan to have a sunset camel ride along Cable Beach.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree...Not a bad view to wake up too.I wish you luck with the camel ride.Yes, jacob looked very excited to be near the dolphins.Jenni, you and the boys look really relaxed on the jetty.It must be great to be in the summer clothes in the middle of winter. bbrr
    its cold in Brisbane. Expected to be under 5deg tomorrow and monday.
