The Richardson's Adventures

Our holiday to Western Australia was initiated from the idea of taking our boys on a extended holiday prior to starting school. We have been camping in tent's, and more recently we had a camper trailer for 3 years. While the camper trailer served us well ( over 30 camping trips ), we have upgraded to our off road caravan. The caravan makes life easier for the overnight stay, quick pack up, and it also has air conditioning. Our holidays have been booked for 2 1/2 years and we have been planning in some sort of fashion since. We have upgraded the car to give hassle free motoring, not to mention the great V8 rumble.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Dubbo Zoo April 18 & 19

We watched many feeding exhibits which included the Black Rhinos, Meerkat's, Hippopotamus, African Elephant and The giant Galapagos Tortoise.  Steven and Jacob were able to also see the Sumatran Tiger, Otter, and the Siamang Apes being fed. There were other tours throughout the day which we enjoyed.  The  jammed packed adventure over the last two days have been clearly shown in the exhaustion of the two boys when they have asked us to go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. So you on schedule then? or are you running a few minutes behind.

    how is the fuel economy?, does it reconcile with your spreadsheet
